Testbench architecture: Selection among alternatives

Architecture involves making choices. Knowledge of the key requirements is essential to make the right choices. To get the architecture right all the prerequisites specified…

Architecture involves making choices. Knowledge of the key requirements is essential to make the right choices.

To get the architecture right all the prerequisites specified should be on the top of head of architect. Even if it’s not at full details but the key aspects of all the four areas DUT, Verification plan, Application world abstraction strategy and reuse strategy should be on the top of head of test bench architect. These key details will help making the choices among the alternatives by evaluating the pros and cons of each approach.

Holding all the key requirements on the top of head is a challenge for human mind. In order to handle this effectively, various specification summaries containing key points should be prepared by the architect. Mind map is one of the tools very helpful in capturing various requirements to be made useful for this purpose.

For critical choices, it’s best to list the alternatives, list the pros and cons of each and justify the selection. This selection process effectiveness can be improved with help of peer reviews or reviews from other stakeholders in the process of design and verification. Even when it’s not possible get the reviews done, it’s best to document choices and reasons for them. Documenting helps bring out clarity. It also helps in minimizing the effects of engineering weakness of architect.

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