Curiosity Regression and Debug Analytics Tool

Welcome to Curiosity – the ultimate solution for streamlined verification management. Curiosity is a powerful debug analytics tool designed to empower verification teams in their journey towards efficient and effective functional verification. With its comprehensive set of features and user-friendly interface, Curiosity simplifies the entire verification process, from planning to closure.

Gain invaluable insights

Curiosity provides project-level aggregated metrics, giving directors a clear sense of the verification health. Verification managers can access per test bench metrics, while verification leads can dive deeper into per feature breakdowns. Engineers can easily track failure buckets and test-level statuses, enabling them to stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

Customizable dashboards

With Curiosity, you have access to pre-configured dashboards that can be tailored to your specific project requirements. The metrics dashboards bring clarity and confidence to verification management, while the debug dashboards streamline the simulation debug process, ensuring a consistent triage process across test benches.

Automated triage and debug

Curiosity offers a consistent triage process and framework for debug automation, saving valuable time for engineers. The built-in visualization of transactions facilitates performance reviews for architects, leading to enhanced collaboration and faster issue resolution.

Security and flexibility

Curiosity's lightweight web application server can be easily configured to run on your premises or preferred cloud service provider, ensuring confidentiality and security. Out-of-the-box dashboards can be set up within a few weeks, and further customization is available to meet your unique project needs.

Audience and Benefits

Curiosity caters to a wide range of professionals involved in the functional verification process, providing them with valuable insights and empowering them to enhance their workflow. The tool serves the following audience:

  • Directors: Get an aggregated view of project metrics to assess health.
  • Verification Managers: View metrics breakdown per test bench for better management.
  • Verification Leads: Analyze metrics at a feature level within the test bench.
  • Verification Engineers: Access failure buckets and test-level status for effective debugging.
  • Architects: Visualize transactions for performance review.
  • Project Teams: Streamline collaboration, knowledge sharing, and process consistency.

Metrics Dashboards

Metrics dashboards bring in clarity and confidence to verification management.

Debug Dashboards

Debug dashboards save time in the triage process of the simulation debug.

Download Our White Paper Today!

Explore the groundbreaking approach to debug standardization using VerifSudha Curiosity, our powerful web app. Uncover the secrets to streamlining your debug process, achieving faster issue resolution, and optimizing overall verification efficiency. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource – enter your details below to access our exclusive White Paper.