Verification plan debate – Part I

Achyuta and Ananta were close friends over decades and practicing functional verification. Achyuta always takes a carefully planned approach while Ananta believes in jumping to action as soon…

Achyuta and Ananta were close friends over decades and practicing functional verification.

Achyuta always takes a carefully planned approach while Ananta believes in jumping to action as soon as possible. Except for this key difference both were well matched in their capabilities. Both had their own share of success and failures.

Ananta had shining career and team always appreciated his brave fire fighting spirit of jumping right into execution. Not only he jumped in but also produced results very quickly. Ananta in past had a good success rate with  ASICs he worked on making to production on first pass. He took pride in it.

However off late Ananta was not feeling the same high. It was not without a reason. There were series of bugs found right after the RTL freeze. This had upset Ananta. He had carefully tracked the bug trends, regression results and code coverage closely. Based on that he had decided they had reached the RTL freeze quality. Now this rise in bugs inspite of all these measure had upset him. He was worried have I lost my midas touch?

Ananta called his old buddy Achyuta for dinner to talk about it. Achyuta in usual methodical way asked Ananta, did you guys write verification plan or just jumped right into execution in your usual style? Ananta said dear Achyuta I have changed my ways a bit by being with you for so long. I have learnt there is thin line between being bold and reckless. We did write the test plan before starting execution. That’s quite a progress for Ananta, Achyuta thought to himself.

Ananta, do you know test plan alone does not complete verification plan? asked Achyuta.

What else? Said Ananta slightly annoyed.

Verification plan is made up of three plans: Test plan, Checks or assertion plan and coverage plan. All three are equally important for successful verification closure.

Oh Achyuta, now don’t start that one again. Cut it short man, said Ananta.

No it’s not just me check out these blogs on verification plan, test plan, checks plan and coverage plan if you want.

I have looked at them. To me it’s evidently the theory of some arm-chair lounger who evolves all these neat little paradoxes in the seclusion of his own study. It’s not practical. Just put him on our current project and I would lay a thousand to one against him if he can rescue it. We are finding bugs after bugs. You may loose your money Achyuta remarked calmly. It’s not about him we are discussing methods here.

Anantha verification requirements have changed a lot in last 10 years, said Achyuta. We cannot dismiss methodical approach any more.

Forget it, said Ananta. All these are easier said than done. All these theories melt in heat of execution.

Achyuta just put brakes on his tongue which was about to slip into debate. He thought this is not a right time for this debate.

Ananta also changed the topic and said anyway reason I called you today was I am thinking of taking sabbatical for next 6 months.

Huh! What do you plan to do?

You see I have laid my eyes on this new sheriff in the town for quite some time. After his arrival the crime rate has gone quite low. I have even heard that the criminals who rarely escape are only talking about their luck for rest of their life.

What does all this has to do with verification and your sabbatical?

I need some fresh thoughts. So I am thinking of taking internship at his office.

Have you gone crazy exclaimed Achyuta.

No, I have given fair bit of thought and I am starting tomorrow. Ananta seemed very determined. Achyuta being good friend understood him and said, call me if you need anything.

Sure, will do said Ananta.

What Ananta learns in sheriff’s office?  Part II

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